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Selectmen Minutes 06/23/2015

 Chichester Board of Selectmen
Minutes of Meeting
Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Members Present:  Richard DeBold, Jeff Jordan, Town Administrator Jodi Pinard

Others Present: Road Agent Jim Plunkett, Chief Pat Clarke, Chief Alan Quimby, John Martell, Craig McIntosh, Zack Boyaijian, Tom Jameson, and other members of the public

Call to Order:  Mr. DeBold called the meeting to order at 6:30pm

Department Heads:

Police – Chief Clarke stated that I would like to thank the Board for allowing me to miss some meetings so I could coach on Tuesday nights.

Chief Clarke stated that I tried to apply for a grant regarding security of the schools. This is software that is downloaded to our cruisers for real time action at the school. We were not able to get the grant right away as our Emergency Operations Manual is outdated. But we may be able to send a letter of intent and receive the grant money as other towns are in the same boat. I have already told the principal at the school what is going on.

Chief Clarke stated that the new cruiser is ready. I have the quotes for outfitting the new cruiser. Two Way Communications has outfitted our cruisers for the past few years, we have never had a problem and they are the lowest bid. I would like to move forward with Two Way Communications.

Beliveau        $4,937
Adamson Industries      $3,470.95
2-Way   $3,404

A motion was made by Mr. DeBold and seconded by Mr. Jordan to award the job of outfitting the new cruiser to Two Way Communications to be paid out of the Special Detail Fund in the amount of $3,404. Motion Passes

Emergency Management – John Martell stated that we had our last meeting for the Hazard Mitigation Plan. We are now waiting on the state and then FEMA for final approval.

Fire – Chief Quimby stated that I will get a crew together to blow out that culvert for Jim. We have been having student interviews. We have two students that have committed. I have an interview with another one this weekend.

Highway – Jim Plunkett stated that he has been chipping brush. We have had a few small wash outs. I asked the fire department to blow out the culvert on top of Gavin Hill. I am thinking of paving that swale. Stantec took a look at the test pits for the spreader hanger. We also interviewed the perspective candidates for the two open positions.

Parks & Recreation Commission
Zack Boyajian stated that we will be using the money from the LWCF grant to buy the materials to build the new building at Carpenter Park. He got quotes from four different companies. We did go through and separate it out but we found that Big Jim’s will be the most inexpensive way to go.

The Bids are as follows:
Home Depot      $9,000.09
Lowes   $9,881.18
Big Jims        $8,057.26
A&B Lumber      $10,015.48

Our intent is to move forward with the holding tank. We are waiting on a volunteer who has offered to fill out the DES Application. If they have not filled it out by our July meeting then we will move forward with application ourselves.

A motion was made by Mr. DeBold and seconded by Mr. Jordan to award the bid for the materials to construct the new building at Carpenter Park to be purchased from Big Jim’s and be funded out of the Parks & Recreation Capital Reserve Fund. Motion Passes.

Zack Boyajian stated that the new building is a replacement for the small log building. Our intent was to get rid of it. I have since been approached by Bill O’Connor of Strafford and he has offered to take it off our hands. He stated that his grandfather was the person who originally built it. My point in coming here is to see if there is any process in getting rid of this building or can we give it to Mr. O’Connor.

Mr. DeBold stated that he believed that it was originally given to the town and sees no reason not to allow Mr. O’Connor to take it.

Mr. Jordan stated that he also did not have an issue with Mr. O’Connor taking it.

General Business/Board Discussion:

A motion was made by Mr. DeBold and seconded by Mr. Jordan to accept the Assessor’s recommendation on the following abatements:
Map 4 Lot 165 and 156 Sub 1 to deny the request
Map 9 Lot 117 abate the amount of $11,600 in assessed value
Motion Passes

Spreader Hanger
Mrs. Pinard informed the Board the test pit was looked at today and they are still working on the design.

Non-Public Session
A motion was made by Mr. DeBold and seconded by Mr. Jordan to enter into non-public session under 91-A:3(b) The hiring of any person as a public employee. DeBold Aye, Jordan Aye. Motion Passes
A motion was made by Mr. DeBold and seconded by Mr. Jordan to exit non-public session under 91-A:3(b). DeBold Aye, Jordan Aye. Motion Passes

A motion was made by Mr. DeBold and seconded by Mr. Jordan to seal the minutes indefinitely. DeBold Aye, Jordan Aye. Motion Passes

Being no further discussion, a motion was made by Mr. DeBold and seconded by Mr. Jordan to adjourn the meeting at 7:42pm.  Motion passes.

Respectfully submitted,
                                                        Not approved until signed
Jodi Pinard, Town Administrator

Richard DeBold                                           D. Michael Paveglio                                                  Jeffrey Jordan